Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Negative Effects Of Social Media - 1743 Words

Social media is one of the most widespread methods of communication and interaction worldwide. While social media comes in various forms, they all tend to share the same motive: Encourage the public socialize. Most would wonder how this could be such a bad thing and see very few problems relating to social media. Others see right through the illusion of the LED screen. The public can easily hide behind a keyboard without threat of confrontation for their words or actions on the internet. Anything and everything can be said and they will not be faulted. Social media is more detrimental to users than advantageous due to the allowance of freedom to insult, bully and threaten others without fear of punishment or consequence; cyberbullying†¦show more content†¦In addition, ten percent of high school teens in Japan have opened up about being harassed online, while twenty-five to twenty-nine teens were harassed in Spain. Twenty-eight percent of middle school and high school users h ave experienced cyberbullying at some point or another. Seventy-five percent of girls with diminished self esteem engage in cutting, bullying, smoking, drinking, drug abuse, eating disorders. However, the most appalling statistic is that eighty-seven percent, highest numbered statistic listed, of high school teens witness cyberbullying. Witness as in observing, gawking and failing to take action against. They are merely spectators that just watch as others are being brutally attacked in front of everybody they know and some they do not. Most of those on social media that feel personally victimized often feel unwanted, which can lead to dangerous psychological health. One would think the obvious solution would be to block any hostile users with an offensive nature; however, in the mind of the victim, nobody wants to be talked about and they would much rather see what is being aforementioned about them rather than not knowing at all and being forced to wonder. Bullying, cyber or other wise, is linked to poor academics, health deterioration and even criminal acts. Social media can cause victimization, as well as making users uneasy when they are unable to access their accounts. Contributions to low self esteem at the fault of social mediaShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1648 Words   |  7 Pages I’ve learned that everything that glitters ain’t gold. In my middle school days I’ve experienced the negative effects of social media, Now when I say social media, I’m referring to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. By me being very active on social media I’ve been taunted, teased, threatened and harassed along with having low- self esteem and some suicidal thoughts . According to a recent study in the JAMA pediatrics, 23% of teens report they are or have been the target of cyberbullyingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1117 Words   |  5 PagesNegative impact of social media to the society. Addictiveness. Right off the bat, Teens are exceptionally subject to their gadgets in light of the fact that separated from schoolwork they are experts at spending the small hours of the night stuck to any electronic gadgets sharing, tuning in to music and different things youngsters are occupied with. Addiction usually refers to compulsive behavior that leads to negative effects. In most addictions, people feel compelled to do certain activities atRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1509 Words   |  7 Pagesbeing millennials, social media is as natural to the people of today as breathing or drinking water. Social media is a â€Å"series of websites and applications that have been designed to allow people to share content and communicate with each other quickly and efficiently† (â€Å"What is Social Media, 2017). A few people have a more confined perspective of social media likening it to mean the same as interacting on sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and others. The p ower of social media is such that, theRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1350 Words   |  6 Pagestoday’s society, social media is an important tool that many people use daily for various purposes. On social media, people share their opinions, events in their lives, and news. They also use social media as a tool for entertainment and as a way of keeping in touch with their friends. Because of its various uses, the use of social media increased very significantly over the years and it is no surprise that many scholars from different disciplines took an interest in the use of social media. These scholarsRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1517 Words   |  7 Pages What is Social Media? As stated on, social media is â€Å"websites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts†. There are a huge variety of social media sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Instagram, and YouTube. As our technology gets more and more advanced and new devices come out, social media itself is growing as well. Because of the growth of social media, our lives areRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1212 Words   |  5 PagesThe Negative Effects of Social Media Introduction 1. Attention Getter: a. What is the first thing most people do in the morning? i. Brush teeth? ii. Go to the bathroom? iii. Feed your dog? iv. The correct answer is actually checking your phone. 1. According to a recent study by IDC Research, 80% of smartphone users check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up each morning. b. What on your phone is so important? i. Social media c. Social Media i. According to, social media is consideredRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1297 Words   |  6 PagesIn the twenty-first century, social media plays an extensive part in most people’s lives. Instagram, Twitter, and many other social networks can cause adverse psychological harm and even lead to physical harm. Although many may argue that social media pertains to be useful, there prove to be more harmful aspects rather than helpful aspects of these media sites. These effects are not only psychological, but they may also be physical. Not only do social networks cause depression, anxiety, and cyberbullyingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1716 Words   |  7 PagesTwitter, Instagram, and many other social media sites, these changed the way that we communicate with one another. Social platforms allow people to share events of their own lives, through posting photos, leaving comments, updating their status, and many others. For example, â€Å"As of today, there are a little over 322 million people that live in the United States, 64% of whom own a smartphone. This means that approximately 206 million people have access to social media, anywhere at any time. FurthermoreRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1743 Words   |  7 Pagesthese people are on their social media accounts. According to Brooke Lusk, the database and media manager for the Prevention Researcher, social media can be defined as, â€Å"an aspect of the internet which allows individuals and groups to create and publish online content, share the content, and interact about it.† These days, people are very involved with the internet and social media. Some think this is a benefit while others think this is a detriment for many reasons. Social media allows people to stayRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1064 Words   |  5 PagesA Negative Collage of Social Media Today in everyday life we all have some sort of device. We all possess access to social media in some way, shape or form. Social media plays a huge part of everyone’s life. We constantly look at our phones on every beep. We read every post on Facebook. We never thought how that affects the youth and with them following us, who knows what they might find on the World Wide Web. Social media in the hands of the youth can have devastating effects, even adults

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