Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay Hamlets Flaws and Sanity - 1085 Words

William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Hamlet† is a classic revenge tale. â€Å"Hamlet† is well known for the famous soliloquy â€Å"To be, or not to be† which I find best to describe Hamlet’s character. Hamlet was given the task to avenge his father’s death. As the story progress Hamlet begins to question his worthiness, questioning his very existence. Hamlet’s emotions influence his every action throughout the story. Hamlet is not the typical hero that readers label; he has many imperfections and displays his own manner of heroism. I will talk about Hamlet’s flaws and his sanity in this essay, and with them opinions of others as well as my own. I will also include my thoughts about the central theme and symbols in the story. Hamlet actions don’t†¦show more content†¦The source of Hamlets uncertainty is that he cant decide whether or not to kill Claudius. What makes this hard for many people to accept as a flaw is that Hamlet comes up with acceptable reasons to justify his delays. Hamlet questions himself, his goal, his reason for being alive, but for every question an opportunity to kill Claudius was exposed and he didnt take it. Hamlet, was without a doubt confused, and probably scared, but the key question here is, was Hamlet in his right mind? Was he stable enough to attempt such a deed as to kill his king without questioning his every thought, reason, and his judgment of himself? Hamlet was not a person of sound mind; in fact, probably insane to the point of a breakdown, simply because of all the events that occurred to him was right after each other. Hamlet was not able to recover each event that he faced took an immense toll on him. His procrastination kills not only himself, but also his mother, his girlfriend, and others, but it also leaves the reader full of doubt. Of course it was obvious that Hamlet will kill the new king, but was it necessary to have so many deaths due to one mans uncertainty? Hamlet was not only fighting a battle against hi s father murderer, but a war within his self, blinded by insanity from reality. Hamlet was obsessed with death and killing Claudius and thisShow MoreRelatedHamlet, By William Shakespeare1492 Words   |  6 PagesOne must always be able to see the flaws in their idols. The play Hamlet centers on protagonist Hamlet as he questions whether to take revenge against his uncle for killing his father or leave him alive. Written by William Shakespeare in the early 17th century, Hamlet addresses motifs of indecisiveness, insanity, as well as death and suicide. Furthermore, the majority of these motifs are left up to interpretation. 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